Pilot Info

Fuel Supplies

Important – Currently, neither AVGAS 100LL or Jet A1 are available in Alderney, a situation the is unlikely to change any time soon. However, AVGAS and Jet A1 are available in Guernsey (EGJB) and Jersey (EGJJ).

Channel Islands Airspace

Download the Channel Island VFR Flight Planning Guide here

Alderney Airport

Alderney is unique amongst Channel Islands airports, in having three operational runways. The main runway, 26/08 is 880 metres long and is mainly asphalt. The two secondary runways are both grass. 13/31 being 732 metres long, with 03/21 having a length of 497 metres. The main runway is equipped with low intensity lighting, with portable lighting being available on runway 14/32. Alderney has an NDB (383.0 KHz ‘ALD’), providing a useful approach aid, together with recently approved GPS approaches.

Visiting pilots are requested to visit the Flight Clearance Office on arrival (adjacent to the Fire Station) to pay fees. A self-briefing unit is also available in the Flight Clearance Office and free wifi is available in the terminal. Hangar space is limited, especially during the summer months. Tie downs however, are normally available.

General Aviation Report (GAR)
All GA aircraft arriving in the Bailiwick of Guernsey (Guernsey & Alderney airports) are required to complete a GAR. More information can be found here.

Airport Charges
Normally the airport charges per movement (i.e.both a landing and a takeoff are movements). Full details of Landing and Parking charges can be found here.

CI TAFs here
Jersey Met Aviation Forecast here
CI aviation forecaster +44 0905 8077777 (Premium rates apply)
Alderney Met +44 1481 822851

Airport Contacts
+44 1481 822851
Flight Clearance:
+44 1481 822551

Summer Opening Hours (April – September)
Monday – Thursday
07:40 to 18:30 local time (UTC +1) 
Friday – Sunday 
07:45 to 19:30 local time (UTC +1)

Winter Opening Hours (October – March):
07:40 to 18:30 UTC

Guernsey Airport

There is a lot to see and do in Guernsey and there is a regular bus service from outside the main terminal building (a short walk from ASG) to St Peter Port and other parts of the Island.

Guernsey Airport welcomes general aviation and business aviation visitors and GARs are not needed for flights between Guernsey and Alderney (assuming a GAR has been completed on arrival in Alderney). All that is required is a simple ‘Mini Flight Plan’ which can be downloaded here. On arrival, ATC will normally direct GA aircraft to ASG (or Stand 23) which acts as handling agents for private and business aviation. More information can be found on the Guernsey Airport website.

Full details of Landing and Parking charges can be found here.

Marshalling Hand Signals

For those pilots who are planning to attend our Annual Fly-in, please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the following Hand Signals which will be used on your arrival to guide you to the aircraft parking area. For a full list of hand signals, see CAP 637